Are you one of those who are passionate about tea and do not have a beautiful teapot? The teapotsare the main elements when making tea and not having an authentic teapot It will take its toll on you, because you will appreciate how tea is not the same. So in order to achieve a perfect result and therefore obtain a good aroma, texture and flavor from our tea, it is essential to have a quality teapot. In addition, without it, you will not be able to take advantage of all the properties that tea has and this for us is a great waste.
The teapots In addition to having their own function, they have the facility to be used as decorative elements because they are so beautiful, so they are ideal in any corner of the house, whether in the living room, dining room, in the kitchen ... a place in the that would look very good, it would be for example in a showcase or on a side table.
En Decoración Alcazaba we have a wide range of teapots, mainly highlighting the arabic teapots y japanese teapots, because we believe that they are the most famous and characteristic in this world of tea.
The arabic teapotsThey are among the most beautiful that exist, in addition to being the most important emblem for preparing tea.
Keep in mind that in many countries of the world, tea is not just a drink, but is part of the culture, as is the case in Morocco. According to the Arab tradition: "Bitter like life, soft like death, sweet like love", that's how tea is for them, and in this phrase is the way they drink it.
For Arabs, it is essential to always invite their guests to tea, served in a moroccan teapot, in a very characteristic way and going through three rounds. And the thing is ... In Arab culture, Moorish tea is essential!
If you want to make a good tea and you lack the teapot, take advantage and buy it, take a look at our teapot section and discover the many arabic teapotswe have, many of them ceramic, nickel silver, bronze ... You know, complete your Moroccan tea set!
But not only are the typical moroccan teapots, but also the japanese teapotsonly these are simpler in terms of design, but they are also very elegant and resistant with a centuries-old design.
Did you know that Japanese iron teapotsare the most valued? Yes, although the origin of the tea was in China, little by little it reached Japan. And it is that, in the beginning, the tea that arrived in Japan was matcha, a powdered tea that dissolved and that the kettle dispensed with. Years later came leaf tea, Bancha, Sencha ... and for these, if you need a teapot. This is when the typical japanese iron kettle, more than five centuries ago and that you can buy today in our teapot section de Decoración Alcazaba.
So, enter our website and make up your mind, a moorish teapot or a japanese teapot? Whichever you choose, you will be able to observe what a great difference in tea.